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“Protecting a Community’s Brand” by Jim Walton

How would a secret shopper respond?

Jim Walton


The other day, I was reading an article on a newspaper web site and, as is often the case, it offered an opportunity for readers to voice an opinion about the article. I have mixed feelings about such forums. Some of the responders offer positive or constructive comments while a few others are folks who just love to stir the pot with negativity. You know them, they’re Cavemen. Citizens Against Virtually Everything. They’re never happy and they want the world to know it.


I was having coffee recently with a site selection consultant friend and asked him if he ever looks at such forums while in the process of evaluating communities for prospective jobs projects. “I sure do,” he said, “and I sometimes find alarming information.”


He told me that once he has narrowed his list of communities to a handful, maybe three to five, he’ll visit media web sites, looking for stories or forums that might reveal issues that could present challenges to his client. He said he will also listen to streaming television or radio broadcasts to hear which issues are being discussed. “Election seasons can be very revealing,” he said, “all of the dirt is in plain sight.”


He also said that he’ll go to the city or county web site and read the minutes of council meetings. In addition to learning how elected officials handle incentives and other issues, he finds out how they interact with the business community and one another. Do they work together in a positive, community-building manner or do the minutes reveal a tone of incivility that he might choose to avoid? In these days of internet connectivity, your community’s brand reputation is out there for the world, including prospective employers, to see.


Secret shopper site visits

Have you heard of secret shoppers? That’s when a company hires someone to go into a retail establishment, posing as a customer, in order to report back about their experience. Were the employees friendly and helpful or were they rude? Did they offer assistance or were you ignored? How was the food?


Site selection consultants, under contract to find a new home for a prospective employer, sometimes do the same thing. Without the knowledge of the economic developer or elected officials, a person or team of people will show up, blend in, and observe. They’ll eat in your restaurants, stay in your hotels, visit your retail establishments, and interact with your citizens. Are they polite, friendly, and positive about the community or just the opposite?


A site selection consultant once told me about a secret shopper visit when he asked a young man, “What’s the one thing I should see while I’m here?” Without hesitation, the young man said, “The town in your rear view mirror.” Ouch!


While on a secret shopper mission, the team will report on any number of things, such as road conditions, your industrial park, schools, community entryways, the downtown area, and much, much more. Based on their findings, your community can advance to the next level of consideration or be cut from the list if they don’t like what they see and hear. And, here’s the shocker, you may never know they were there.


I’ve often thought there was an opportunity for a Chamber of Commerce to provide a program to inform retail members about how they impact such visitors.


So, who is responsible for a community’s brand? Everyone! It’s not just the job of the county council, the Mayor, or the economic developer. The hotel clerk, waitress, school teacher, store owner, and any citizen can make or break a major jobs deal. When your community is in the top three of five, a site selector has already crunched the numbers and done his or her homework about the financial or workforce aspects of the deal. Any of the communities on the “short list” would work. Now, they’re looking at the little nuances, any reason to take you off the list. It doesn’t take much.


Each person in a community is a keeper of the local brand. At Brand Acceleration, we are occasionally called upon to develop a community pride campaign. Working with local leaders, we develop ways to build enthusiasm and pride in the minds of citizens. We remind them that their town, city, or county is a wonderful place to live, work, and raise a family. If such an effort results in one positive comment to just the right person, it could help result in the attraction of hundreds of jobs and a thriving local economy.


As with the newspaper mentioned above, you can share your stories and opinions by clicking here to go to my blog.


Jim Walton



Brand Acceleration is a full-service advertising, brand management and public relations firm operating from Indianapolis, Indiana and Charlotte, North Carolina. The agency’s focus is on economic development, architecture/engineering/construction and real estate.


smaller big invite

Help us grow the collective voice of business! The Big Invite!

The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce its new initiative to grow the voice of business in our community — The Big INvite!

Believing that members are the foundation of our organization, The Chamber is looking to strengthen that foundation and increase the collective voice of business with this important membership initiative. The event will be held on Tuesday, June 28th at the Clubhouse at Cedarview Management’s “10th & College” Building.

Volunteers representing a cross-section of Chamber member businesses are expected to participate in The Big INvite, working on the premise that a phone call from a friend or colleague regarding Chamber membership is the best testimonial possible. More than 120 Chamber member volunteers will participate in the day’s activities that will include refreshments and friendly competition among the various teams of volunteers.

“The Chamber is a membership organization and many businesses believe they have to be invited to become a Chamber member. While this isn’t the case, an invitation to join from a friend or professional colleague is a wonderful way to become involved,” said Mary Jo Orlowski, account executive with The Chamber.

An “After Party” is planned for the volunteers and will be held immediately following the event at Grazie! Italian Eatery from 4:30-6:30pm with hors d’oeuvres, wine & beer provided.

Interested in being part of The Big Invite! Want to encourage your peers, business associates, etc. to join the Bloomington Chamber to grow our voice in the community, provide more services for all members and expand our community’s business network? Sign up to volunteer from either 8-11am or 1-4pm to compete for bragging rights and be a part of this important Chamber initiative!

Contact Mary Jo Orlowski at or 336-6381 to get INvolved in The Big INvite!


In a recently posted article from the Huffington Post called “’Incentiprizing': The New Path To Business Breakthroughs,” the author, Naveen Jain, comes to an interesting conclusion about how to successfully grow your company from the inside. He begins his argument by noting that process most companies use to increase innovation and growth is to hire new employees. Jain then proposes that instead of going through this process, it makes more sense to create incentives for your current employees regarding innovative developments, investment ideas, and other such ventures. He quotes Sun Microsystems co-founder Bill Joy, who said, “No matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else.” Jain notes that this very opinion gets employers stuck thinking they constantly need new talent in order to create new ideas.

This theory, Jain notes, is not so. He argues that there are employees at every company capable of thinking outside of the box for a company’s needs, and that the best way to tap into this hidden pool is through incentive contests, effectively singling out those employees who will be most useful for your business endeavors. To quote Jain, “Instead of looking for that needle in the haystack, let that needle come straight to you.”


Check out the full article here to see what Jain suggests for creating your own Incentiprizing initiatives!

Catching Up With the Chamber

hYPe Oliver Winery Event

It was a great crowd at the May hYPe event! Thanks to all who attended

On Wednesday, May 11th, we hosted a hYPe event at Oliver Winery, featuring some great networking activities, not to mention great wine and food provided by the Winery and local Bloomington restaurants. And this is just the beginning! With summer just around the corner, the Chamber is pleased to bring more exciting events to our members. In addition to the Oliver Winery Social Event, we have many more outstanding social events planned for members of both the Chamber and hYPe.  Some of the events in the near future are:

ABC: Credit Card Processing 101

When: May 20th, 2011 at 11:30am
Where: The Johnson Creamery Building, Rm. 108

If you are interested in offering the benefit of credit card processing for your clients and customers, this presentation is a must-attend. All your questions about credit card processing will be answered! The seminar will cover topics including, but not limited to, the following: cost components of a transaction, factors that influence cost, and pricing alternatives. You can even bring along your current merchant statement for personalized review with an Account Representative!


You can register for the event on our website, here!


WEB Awards Ceremony and Luncheon
When: May 25, 2011 at 11:30am (Doors open at 11am)
Where: Henke Hall of Champions

We are so excited to bring you the 2nd annual Women Excel Bloomington awards ceremony and luncheon. During this luncheon, we will honor seven businesswomen from Bloomington who have gone above and beyond the call for bettering their business and our community. In addition, we are thrilled to have guest speaker Caroline Dowd-Higgins, the Director of Professional Development for the Indiana University Maurer School of Law, and an active advocate for women in business. This is an event you won’t want to miss!


You can buy tickets or sponsor a table by visiting our website, here!


hYPe Financial Health Professional Development Event
When: June 8th, 2011 from 5:30-7:30pm
Where: Bloomington Country Club

The hYPe Financial Health Professional Development event is a great resource for both newcomers and seasoned professionals alike! During this event, hYPe is happy to give you the opportunity to speak with a professional advisor and participate in discussions about topics like credit scores, strategies for debt relief, retirement, in addition to many more! The event will feature light snacks and a cash bar, and is free to attend, but registration is encouraged.


You can learn more and register for this event by visiting our website, here!


ABC: 10 Steps to Successful Social Networking in Business
When: June 10th, 11:30am-1:00pm
Where: The Johnson Creamery Building

This seminar is one for the modern professional needing to know about the best strategies for managing the social aspects of business. Rhonda Foster, the Human Resources Director with the Monroe County Government, will cover everything from how to manage projects, people, and time, to project presentation and research, and many more topics! The event attendees will also enjoy a lunch provided by Scotty’s Brewhouse, and is free to members!


Make sure to register for this event on our website so you can attend this informative seminar!


28th Annual Golf Scramble
When: June 15th 2011, with breakfast at 6:00am, and tee times at 7:00am and 12:30pm
Where: The Eagle Point Golf Resort

The Chamber is thrilled to present the 28th Annual Golf Scramble, which should be a fun day of golf with the chance to win amazing prizes! The tournament will be in Florida Scramble style with teams of four, offering more than $30,000 worth of cash & prizes up for grabs, including $1000 to the top 3 teams: 1st – $600, 2nd – $300, and 3rd – $100. Tee times are at 7:00am, preceded by a breakfast served at 6:00am, and 12:30pm, with a complimentary lunch for all players from 11:30am-1:30pm. Registration is required, so make sure to sign up early so you don’t miss what is bound to be a great event!


For more information and easy online registration, visit our website, here!


We hope that you are just as excited as we are about these events, and make sure to check our website for more information on events for our members. If you Like us on Facebook, you can get invites to our events directly so you will always know what’s going on at the Chamber!


Secrets to Success

Recently, Fortune Magazine released their top 50 Women in Business List for 2010 (which you can see by clicking on this link), and in an interesting feature, Time Magazine interviewed several of the women from Fortune’s list. The interviews are really interesting and the topics range from their best and worst business decisions, to the greatest challenges they met in the business world and challenges that they anticipate future businesswomen will face. We think this is a great resource for women in today’s business world, so make sure to read the full article!


Click here to see the full article!


“Taming the Data that Dominates Our Work Lives”

Fortune magazine recently posted an article written by Kishore S. Swaminathan, the Worldwide Director of Research at Accenture, about the way data is used in the business world today. His article asserts that the technological age has given today’s business people a greater advantage in that statistics, demographics, and other relevant data, are more easily accrued due to the Internet and online marketing. He takes an in depth look at the way data has been used throughout his career, and then makes note of the potential opportunities and pitfalls of data usage, and suggests ways that one can use data to its fullest potential.

Check the article out to learn how you can harness the power of your data!

Forbes Favorite Small Business Blogs

In Forbes “Best of the Web” directory, we stumbled upon an article rating the best of small business focused blogs. Each blog focuses on something unique about operating a small business, whether it is advice on how to develop the most cost effective business model, to the ethics behind government taxes on small businesses, each of these blogs is an interesting resource for any entrepreneur. Here are a few of the blogs mentioned in the Forbes article:


Duct Tape

Forbes says:

“ As its name implies, the Duct Tape Marketing site highlights marketing methods for small businesses operating on the cheap–everything from public radio program sponsorship to helping your direct mail piece stand out from the usual junk mail by making it lumpy or unusually shaped. While the site’s homepage comes on strong with a sales pitch about its own marketing “system,” the site’s blog offers helpful commentary by nine pros in the field–including Dan Jana’s PR Leads, Martin Jelsema’s Buzzworthy Branding and Jill Konrath’s Selling To Big Companies.”


Church of the Customer:

Forbes says:

“If you’ve ever wondered how your company can cultivate the kind of customer loyalty found at, say, a Harley-Davidson road rally, then beeline for the Church. Updated a few times a week by Ben McConnell and Jackie Huba, authors of Creating Customer Evangelists, the blog dissects both the triumphs and miscues that big and small companies make when dealing with their customers–decisions that entrepreneurs can learn from.”


The Entrepreneurial Mind:

Forbes says:

“Jeff Cornwall, director of the Center for Entrepreneurship at Nashville’s Belmont University, holds forth here on everything entrepreneurial. Posts are conveniently categorized by subject, like Entrepreneurial Myths (such as the “if only I had money” myth or the “entrepreneurs are gamblers” myth), Exit Planning and Learning from Mistakes. There’s a charming dose of folksiness–Cornwall makes ample use of golf as a metaphor for operating a business–and links to posts by Belmont students involved in an entrepreneurship class that opened a used-CD store.”

The Small Business Brief:

Forbes says:

“Editor Linda Kiley publishes scores of links to the most helpful small-business related articles across the Web. The result is an exceedingly practical blog, offering primers for upstarts on how to successfully negotiate a small business loan, open an online merchant account that accepts credit cards and deal with angry customers.”


If you are interested in reading the full list of blogs, in addition to a more detailed review of each blog, you can read the article here!

Celebrating Indiana Chamber of the Year!

Some Chamber Staff Accept Award

The Indiana Chamber Executives Association (ICEA) recognized The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce as the 2011 Indiana Chamber of the Year. Shelli Williams, President of the Indiana Chamber Executives Association, announced the award to the membership during the Annual Governor’s Luncheon held yesterday in Bloomington, Indiana.

“The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce stands strong as a leader with a commitment to moving the business community forward,” Williams said. “It is an honor to present this award to the members of The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce.”
The Outstanding Chamber of the Year Award recognizes organizational excellence in chambers of commerce and provides a unique benchmarking opportunity to assess organizational strengths. The award is based on the U.S. Chamber’s accreditation process for local chambers and highlights accomplishments in the areas of leadership/governance, finance, advocacy and membership development. Applicants are individually reviewed and scored by a panel of judges comprised of chamber professionals who reside outside of the State of Indiana.

Chamber President & C.E.O. Christy Gillenwater commented, “We are so proud to be named Indiana Chamber of the Year because this award is the highest compliment that ICEA can give. We were in competition with chambers from across the state, but Bloomington stood out because of our tremendous board leadership, dedicated volunteers and engaged members. “
The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce celebrated a banner year in 2010. The organization revamped its approach to membership and the results exceeded expectations. The new tiered dues structure was introduced to nearly 134 new members joining in 2010. In addition, retention rate remained higher than the national average for chambers of similar size.
The Chamber also made it a priority to stay on the leading edge of social media and technology by not only embracing these innovations for marketing and public relations efforts, but also by educating the business community on how to utilize the new technology.
“Not only did we grow our presence on social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn, we exposed the Chamber’s upcoming events to more than 130,000 Facebook users through the pay-per-click advertising offered,” explained Gillenwater. “With Twitter, The Chamber has positioned itself as the ‘go-to resource’ for business news and advice with nearly 500 followers.”
In addition, The Chamber also initiated inBizCafe, a new portal offering a robust platform that can change the way businesses search and receive information to help with growth. inBizCafe connects local entrepreneurs and business owners with targeted resources they need to succeed. The site focuses on assisting the hottest business growth areas – entrepreneurial and small business companies.
Gillenwater continued by saying, “All of these emerging technologies that The Chamber embraced in 2010 serve different purposes, but also complement each other by providing outlets for dialogue with members, promoting Chamber members, and helping increase exposure for the Chamber on search engines and online in general.”
Advocacy is a primary function of The Greater Bloomington Chamber. Each year, advocacy goals and priorities are set through a strategic planning process with most of The Chamber’s advocacy positions enhancing commerce within the community and region. The Advocacy Division includes dozens of member volunteers that help The Chamber reach set goals. One sample of a very successful advocacy initiative that The Chamber implemented in 2010 was a community-wide initiative to encourage healthier lifestyles through public policy and environmental change. Through the Chamber’s two designation programs – Healthy Business Bloomington and Green Business Bloomington – the organization has elevated its leadership in these two areas.

Kudos to Business Expo 2010

It is an annual tradition with a 25 year history of offering businesses an opportunity to showcase their wares to Monroe County.  This year was no exception to the excellent one day, B2B trade show that Business Expo has always been known for.

The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce vendor booth experienced steady traffic throughout the event.  It was great visiting with current and potential members, plus the general public as they strolled by.  Many attendees were pleased to learn of the new and extensive menu of programs and events The Chamber has scheduled this year.  They also had the opportunity to learn about the augmented benefits Chamber membership has to offer with the new Membership Investment Level model.

The BIRA sponsored Taste of Expo was a good example of “the best in local food”.  Plus it was tasty.  That was obvious with the plates of food being devoured all around.

This is the part of the Expo that really draws a crowd.

I met new contacts, potential business members and was able to re-connect with others that I have not seen in awhile.  That is what the Expo is all about.  Again, kudos to Business Expo 2010 for a job well done.