Tag Archives: Presentations

Five Ways to Instantly Polish Your Stage Presence!

Everyone takes the stage sooner or later, whether to accept an award, make a presentation, lead a workshop, or speak at the microphone at a government meeting.  What can you do to look like a pro when it’s your turn?

Last month I attended more events and presentations than usual, including:

  • Four student presentations for the BHS North Senior Project Night
  • Bill Polian at a fundraiser/luncheon for the Boys & Girls Club
  • The MCCS Foundation fundraising kickoff event
  • SCIHRA’s April meeting
  • The SPEA Service Corps end-of-year reception
  • Tom Roman speaking to graduation coaches
  • My own presentation at the Dropout Prevention Summit and to the American Legion

That’s a wide range of public speaking talent.  Although many speakers were polished, each event included at least one instance of an easily preventable audience distraction during transition points between speakers.  I’m not talking about content, and my purpose here is not about how to write and deliver a compelling speech.  Rather, there are some little things that everyone can do to immediately improve their stage presence during transition: Continue reading