Tag Archives: giving back

Doing Good Business

Bloomington has a robust nonprofit sector that fills a wide range of important community needs, including emergency services, education, public health, historic preservation, supporting the arts, protecting the environment, and others. Without critical charitable support from for-profit businesses, these services would struggle to exist.

Philanthropy takes many forms, and includes much more than just outright monetary donations. Most nonprofits depend on businesses to sponsor events, purchase tickets, and provide volunteers. Businesses also bring valuable perspectives and leadership to nonprofit boards and commissions. In addition, hiring people in supported employment – for example, persons with developmental disabilities – provides benefits to businesses, but also satisfies crucial community needs.

The Chamber’s new Mosaic Initiative aims to tell the story of private sector philanthropy in Monroe County, and highlight the positive contributions that the for-profit sector makes in our community. Upcoming articles and online discussions will explore topics such as:

  • Handling multiple charitable requests
  • Differences and similarities between for-profits and nonprofits
  • Employee voluntarism
  • Leadership on nonprofit boards

We’ll solicit insights from our Chamber members who give back, highlighting their involvement and sharing their various philanthropic approaches. We’ll also feature a few of our many nonprofit Chamber members to hear their perspectives on how private businesses help them fulfill their mission. Future projects may include member surveys, guidebooks, and research on local giving. All this will be available on a new area dedicated to the Mosaic Initiative on our Chamber website .

For now, we want to hear from you about how you handle multiple charitable requests. What do you consider before you write a check, volunteer, or join a board? Check out our new Mosaic discussion group on LinkedIn, and stay tuned to our website for valuable resources, as well as opportunities to tell the story of your own community involvement.




Bloomington has a robust nonprofit sector that fills a wide range of important community needs, including emergency services, education, public health, historic preservation, supporting the arts, protecting the environment, and others. Without critical charitable support from for-profit businesses, these services would struggle to exist.


Philanthropy takes many forms, and includes much more than just outright monetary donations. Most nonprofits depend on businesses to sponsor events, purchase tickets, and provide volunteers. Businesses also bring valuable perspectives and leadership to nonprofit boards and commissions. In addition, hiring people in supported employment – for example, persons with developmental disabilities – provides benefits to businesses, but also satisfies crucial community needs.


The Chamber’s new Mosaic Initiative aims to tell the story of private sector philanthropy in Monroe County, and highlight the positive contributions that the for-profit sector makes in our community. Upcoming articles and online discussions will explore topics such as:

Handling multiple charitable requests

Differences and similarities between for-profits and nonprofits

Employee voluntarism

Leadership on nonprofit boards


We’ll solicit insights from our Chamber members who give back, highlighting their involvement and sharing their various philanthropic approaches. We’ll also feature a few of our many nonprofit Chamber members to hear their perspectives on how private businesses help them fulfill their mission. Future projects may include member surveys, guidebooks, and research on local giving. All this will be available on a new area dedicated to the Mosaic Initiative on our Chamber website at www.chamberbloomington.org.


For now, we want to hear from you about how you handle multiple charitable requests. What do you consider before you write a check, volunteer, or join a board? Check out our new Mosaic group on LinkedIn, and stay tuned to our website for valuable resources, as well as opportunities to tell the story of your own community involvement.