Category Archives: Advocacy

President Jeb Conrad Talks I-69 Summit Success

Your Chamber was proud to be the lead organizer for the I-69 Regional Summit…Driving Opportunity here in Bloomington on October 20-21. The Summit brought together more than 350 representatives from various sectors including business, government, higher education, defense, economic development, tourism, agriculture, trade and logistics to examine ways to enable collaboration and leverage the new and existing I-69 corridor from a statewide perspective.

The Chamber conceived the Summit for a series of reasons, but most importantly to have a forum for strategic discussions with respect to the impact and opportunities this new major infrastructure project will have on the business environment locally, regionally, statewide and nationally.

Highlights included a panel luncheon with Congressmen Todd Rokita, Larry Bucshon and Todd Young, who are all members of the I-69 Congressional Caucus, moderated by Gerry Dick of Inside INdiana Business. Keynote speakers Lt. Governor Sue Ellspermann and Becky Skillman, President and CEO of Radius Indiana, shared their vision and perspective.  Attendees participated in breakouts and panel discussions on topics including trade/logistics, land use planning, understanding P3s, site selection and economic development. Other highlights included a tour of the Section 4 project and an evening reception at the IU Memorial Stadium.

The Summit provided a forum for interested parties and experts to come together, learn of the progress of I-69 in each of the corridor states, understand the global influence of its future and a chance to make new contacts. I was amazed at the significance this interstate will have for enabling trade and logistics from Mexico to Canada, and opening new avenues for connecting our region to the world. It is easy to see the local challenges and opportunities as the road pushes through, but a realistic view from 35,000 feet is necessary to be well prepared and take advantage of the opportunities the infrastructure brings to our region.

The State of Indiana also sees I-69 as the most impactful project for the tourism industry. Having interstate access to the State’s unique assets that attract visitors, is expected to generate new ways to capture travelers’ dollars in Indiana, expose a broader audience to these assets, and attract new business opportunities in this industry sector.

Locally, I-69 will bring safe and efficient connectivity for our businesses, employees and customers between Evansville and Indianapolis, not to mention Crane Naval Base. This will open new doors for employers to operate more effectively in the region, expand their employee base and capture additional business and residential investment.

The Summit was an excellent way for our Chamber to showcase our local businesses, connect them to other key contacts and open the door to see what Bloomington, Monroe County and the region have to offer.

It was a huge task for us to take on, but with the support of a great Committee, key partners like the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and Hoosier Voices for I-69, and our sponsors, this event puts us on the map on a broader scale as we move forward. A public thank you to all those who made this event possible and we look forward to hosting again in 2015, our Chamber’s 100th Anniversary!

If you are interested in more information from the Summit, you can access such at or our Chamber website.





Conscious Capitalism: Finding Your Higher Purpose

A special thank you to Tim Tucker, co-owner of Express Employment Professionals ( for the great following submission!

For some time now, businesses have been gaining a bad reputation. Ideas like capitalism, profits, wealth, and entrepreneurship once inspired and garnered praise, but now they are increasingly being vilified. There are many reasons for this, some justified and some not, and the reality is that some blame lies on both sides of this argument. But, as business owners, it is within your power to help change this image and show that at least your business has a conscience.

In the recently released book “Conscious Capitalism,” authors John Mackey of Whole Foods Market and professor Raj Sisodia “argue for the inherent good of both business and capitalism.” They propose that “entrepreneurs are the true heroes in a free-enterprise economy, driving progress in companies, society and the world.” To support this, they present four specific principles that companies should follow to not only communicate this reality to the world, but also grow their organization. The first principle to consider is to find your higher purpose.

Make a Difference:
Forbes defined the process of finding your company’s higher purpose as uncovering the difference it is trying to make in the world. This is something the most profitable and highest esteemed companies have in common – they all know their purpose. Disney exists to use our imaginations to bring happiness to millions. 3M is in the business of improving every company, every home, every life. The American Red Cross is daily enabling Americans to perform extraordinary acts in the face of emergencies. Do you know what your business purpose is?

Create Value:
Mackey and Sisodia believe that “business has a much broader positive impact on the world when it is based on a higher purpose that goes beyond generating profits and creating shareholder value.” Psychology has shown that it’s vital for individuals to find purpose and meaning in their lives. And it’s just as important to the business itself. Finding a higher purpose for your organization is all about creating value, an idea that is all too often confined to just marketing or advertising. Walter Robb, co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, explains their stores “are our canvas upon which we can paint our deeper purpose of bringing whole foods and greater health to the world.”

Discover Your Business’ Purpose:
Defining the value that your company brings to the world is a step that some owners naturally do during the strategic planning part of the start-up process, but sometimes that purpose can get lost. For other business owners, this is something they never even consider. But it’s not too late. You can uncover your company’s ultimate purpose by asking and honestly answering some questions:

• “Why do we exist?”
• “Why do we need to exist?”
• “Why is the world better because we’re here?”
• “Would we be missed if we ceased to exist?”
• “What core values animate the enterprise and unite all of our stakeholders?”iStock_000011979035XSmall

As you uncover your business’ purpose, it’s important that you don’t negate growing your company or being profitable. Mackey and Sisodia believe that profitability is best achieved by not making it the primary goal of the business. After all, you can’t fulfill your higher purpose of fueling growth and progress within your community if you don’t generate profits. As a business owner, you have the unique opportunity to run an organization that serves a higher purpose and to change peoples’ lives for the better, which will ultimately prove that businesses have a conscience, too.

New Year! New Legislative Agenda!

With the New Year comes a new legislative session!  The Indiana General Assembly reconvened on Monday, January 6, 2014 and there is no doubt that many critical issues will be up for discussion and debate.  As the voice of business, The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce will be monitoring and advocating for those issues that affect our member businesses.

StatehouseThe Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce released its list of legislative priorities which the 1,100 member organization will monitor and advocate for during the 2014 legislative session.  The five priority areas include business taxation and regulation, education, healthcare, infrastructure & job creation and local government advancement.  Prepared by The Chamber’s Legislative Council and approved by the organization’s Board of Directors, the 2014 Legislative Agenda was presented at the organization’s Legislative Preview Luncheon.

As an advocate for business, The Chamber selected the five priority areas based on relevance and potential to impact the local business community. Member feedback received as part of the annual Business Climate and Legislative Survey, which was sent out to The Chamber’s full membership in early fall, was also carefully considered as the agenda was being crafted. The organization also considered priorities that they could realistically advance and impact through their advocacy process.

“The 2014 Legislative Agenda will guide The Chamber’s policy work through this year as we represent our members who have communicated their business issues and interests,” explains Jeb Conrad, president & CEO for The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce. “We believe by giving these five priority areas our full attention, we will help to strengthen our region’s economy and help our businesses succeed.”

The Chamber’s Legislative Council will actively continue to update, educate and involve members in its advocacy efforts during the upcoming legislative session through electronic communications like Advocacy Matters, Legislative Updates and The Chamber’s weekly newsletter Membership Matters.  A Legislative Wrap-Up event is planned for April 11 after the General Assembly’s adjournment.

Formed in 2007, The Chamber’s Legislative Council was chartered by The Chamber’s Board of Directors to monitor the lawmaking process, aid Chamber staff in educating its members on legislative issues affecting business, and to help develop relationships with organizations and other chambers with shared interests.  The volunteer Council, representing a diverse cross section of The Chamber’s membership, provides leadership and guidance on business issues at the State and Federal level.

For more information about The Chamber’s Public Policy & Advocacy efforts, contact Liz Irwin, Director of Advocacy & Public Policy at 812.336.6381. To download a copy of this year’s agenda visit 

2014 Legislative Agenda

advocacyAs the voice of business, The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce has identified legislative priorities that encourage economic development, innovation and strategic growth.

BUSINESS TAXATION AND REGULATION: foster a pro-business climate to attract and retain businesses in Bloomington and Indiana

  • Support the repeal of the medical device tax
  • Support comprehensive tax reform efforts that lessen tax burdens on business
  • Encourage regulatory reform efforts that lessen burdens on business and restore Congressional accountability in the rulemaking process
  • Support a local option for exemption of personal property tax on new business machinery and equipment
  • Support policies that empower businesses to attract and retain a world-class workforce

EDUCATION: Create educational opportunities to ensure an intelligent, high-skilled workforce 

Preschool and K – 12 Education 

  • Emphasize importance of funding for early childhood education, preschool, and kindergarten
  • Improve the school funding formula to focus on equitable per pupil funding and multiple student count days
  • Promote the importance of STEM-related programs & career training
  • Encourage development of entrepreneurship programs & vocational training for technical fields to develop a qualified workforce

Higher Education

  • Encourage institutional innovation and flexibility to best meet student needs
  • Encourage federal lawmakers to help close the innovation deficit by decreasing the gap in needed and actual federal investment in research

HEALTH CARE: Promote education and awareness opportunities that help local businesses manage their health care costs

  • Educate members on developments of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • Educate members on the plan(s) in the Federal Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace as details emerge (Note: The SHOP website will not be available until November 2014)
  • Support continued enrollment in the Healthy Indiana Plan and continued waiver for and expansion of the plan in 2015

INFRASTRUCTURE AND JOB CREATION: Develop and maintain a superior state and local framework that supports the needs of business

  • Prioritize ongoing construction and funding of I-69 , focusing on planning and design of Section 5
  • Promote and protect Crane as a primary regional job provider
  • Support policies that incentivize investment in rural telecom for gigabit connectivity
  • Support development and implementation of a strategic water resource plan

LOCAL GOVERNMENT ADVANCEMENTS:  Ensure that local services are delivered with the most effective and efficient administrative structure

  • Support measures to increase accountability, transparency, and effectiveness of government at the local level

HJR-6: Understanding Why The Chamber is Considering a Formal Position on This Issue

As we approach the 2014 Legislative Session, there’s been a great deal of speculation about which issues will be addressed by the Indiana General Assembly. One issue is known. This is the state constitutional amendment called House Joint Resolution 6 (HJR-6). This piece of legislation has prompted much discussion, confusion and debate in the media and in communities around the state.

The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce has not taken
a position on HJR-6, and it’s possible we won’t.

 But there are several key questions about this amendment that make it deserving to be vetted through our thoughtful advocacy process. Our Legislative Council, Advocacy Council, Executive Committee and Board of Directors – a diverse group of volunteers who represent our 1,100 members – are reviewing and discussing HJR-6’s potential impact on businesses, our members and our region’s ability to do business. It is a discussion on how our legislators spend the next session and how to protect our community, region and State’s business climate.

The Questions
With the growing debate come questions: Why have Indiana’s major employers like Eli Lily and Cummins, higher education institutions like Indiana University and Ball State, and chambers of commerce like the Indianapolis Chamber of Commerce come forward in opposition to HJR-6?

More importantly, why is the Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce considering taking a position on HJR-6? Why would The Chamber enter what appears to be a moral issue? Shouldn’t The Chamber’s focus remain on business issues? All good questions that I hope to answer, while beginning with a quick overview of what this amendment is.

Background on HJR-6
Since 1997, Indiana law has stated that same sex marriage is prohibited. HJR-6 would convert the current state law defining marriage to an amendment to the State’s Constitution. What HJR-6 would do is put the prohibition into the Indiana constitution, a status which would be very difficult to change and to do so, would take another completely new constitutional amendment process. It would not only prohibit same sex marriage, as the statute already does, but any “legal status identical or substantially similar to that of marriage.” The Indiana General Assembly will consider this amendment for the second and final time early next year. If the legislature approves the amendment, Indiana voters will be asked to vote on the amendment in a statewide referendum in November 2014.

Now that we know what it is, let’s address the bigger question:

Why is The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce
considering taking a position on HJR-6?

Possible Impact to Business
The issue being debated by the business community is not the moral aspect of this issue. On the surface, HJR-6 appears to be a moral issue involving same sex marriage and where individuals stand on this issue. But, HJR-6 has far-reaching ramifications for businesses currently operating in our state and those that we might attract to set up shop here in the future.

Efficiency in Government
The Chamber is the voice of business and, through our 2014 Legislative Survey, our members have let us know the critical issues for our local businesses remain: Education, Workforce Development, Regulatory Reform, and Infrastructure. These concerns will be overshadowed by the political capital expended discussing an issue that already has a law in place. The Chamber believes in efficient, effective government at all levels. With a law already in place, HJR-6 is redundant and a strain on law makers’ time and taxpayer money.

Ability to Attract & Retain Workforce Talent
Along with being the voice of business, The Chamber also works to protect a favorable business climate to retain and attract jobs, talent and commerce in our community and region. Indiana has made great progress in adding business-friendly laws to the books, such as corporate income tax reduction, investment in roads and infrastructure, and in workforce development, with more always needing to be done. In addition, more and more businesses and institutions now offer, or are considering adding, benefits specifically for those with partners or same-sex spouses, stating that these benefits are necessary and assist with their talent attraction/retention efforts. Those major Indiana employers who have stepped out in opposition to HJR-6 have stated that certain provisions of HJR-6 would limit their ability to offer benefits that they currently provide to their employees and could inhibit their ability to attract a talented workforce from around the globe, thereby negatively impacting their ability to compete. Eli Lilly & Co. and Cummins, two of Indiana’s corporate heavyweights, have been very vocal about the amendment’s potential effect on their ability to recruit talent and stay competitive. Our community’s largest employer, Indiana University, echoed the same concerns with their opposition to HJR-6.

Legal & Policy Quagmire
With several states – including our neighbor Illinois – passing laws legalizing same-sex marriages, other businesses have stated that adding such limitations to the Indiana Constitution gives the perception that we are not a progressive, business-friendly state. The Indianapolis Chamber, in opposing the amendment, suggested it could affect employer-provided domestic partner benefits, municipal human rights ordinances, legal contracts and other legal protections for unmarried couples, gay or straight. This then creates a legal and policy quagmire for our businesses and institutions.

The Process Going Forward
We are reviewing the legislation through our due diligence process. We are listening to feedback and concerns from our members. Our volunteers that serve on our Legislative Council, Advocacy Council, Executive Committee and Board of Directors are asking hard questions, ever mindful of the role they play in representing our membership. There are no easy answers when debates involve personal beliefs. But The Chamber and its volunteers are looking at HJR-6 in the context of business and the effect it will have on business. That’s our role as the voice of business in our community.

I-69: What’s Next for Section 5?

In the coming months, the footprint will be largely determined for I-69’s Section 5, the segment that stretches south of Bloomington near Victor Pike to just south of Martinsville.

In April, the Indiana Department of Transportation released a revised Screening of Alternatives outlining four potential scenarios for Bloomington’s section of highway, notably the location and design of interchanges as well as how large the route will be once constructed.

Morgan Hutton - Director of Advocacy & Public Policy

In short, Alternatives 4 and 5 are design options that were carried over from the original Screening of Alternatives published in 2007. Two new alternatives, 6 and 7, are identified as “minimal impact,” and are significantly different from the prior two in that they carry a much smaller footprint, utilizing the existing pavement, grade, structures and right-of-way of SR 37. Under these two scenarios, travel lanes would be added in urban areas on the inside of existing SR 37, with north and south lanes separated by a shoulder and centerline median barriers. Rural portions would continue to be separated by grassy medians.

With that, this column is not intended to provide a description or thorough explanation of what the highway may look like, or its utility, under any proposed scenario. (The full report can be found at The point is – this is it, the time has come, and decisions must be made. It is prime time for members of the community – and key elected officials, to take a serious look at the options available and how we may best position ourselves to get the best deal we can.

Under each of the alternatives, there are tradeoffs. Should it be built in (smaller) or out (bigger)? At which locations is an underpass or overpass more appropriate than a full interchange, and vise versa? What types of interchange designs are more functional? Where are opportunities for non-motorist access? What is the tradeoff between desirable highway features and minimizing impacts to resources and right-of-way? There are still many questions yet to be addressed. And the clock is ticking.

This fall, INDOT will return to the Bloomington/Monroe County MPO to have preliminary engineering and right-of-way costs for Section 5 added to the local Transportation Improvement Program – a critical and timely step in the process to ensure necessary safety upgrades can happen on SR 37 before Section 4 opens to traffic bringing I-69 from Evansville to Bloomington by the end of 2014.

This means, to avoid an unnecessary stalemate between the local MPO and INDOT, we have to be prepared by knowing what our current options are and give good, reasonable input on community priorities and how those priorities serve to develop the most functional highway for the future.

How can you get involved? View the Section 5 Screening of Alternatives at and click on Tier 2 Environmental Studies. Public comment is being sought and can be submitted through the project website. Stay up to date on the latest by visiting the Hoosier Voices for I-69 website at and follow on twitter @buildi69.

Promoting a Healthier Workplace

Whether you are running your own business, or working for it, you may think the last thing you need to consider is health and wellness at work. However, studies have shown that stress can take a toll not only on physical and emotional health, but productivity and performance in the workplace.

Establishing a healthier work environment from the top down will increase the health and efficiency of your employees.  Workplace wellness programs encourage a healthier lifestyle that can enhance time utilization and decision making of workers.  The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce formed the Healthy Business Bloomington Initiative to help businesses promote wellness in the workplace. Businesses which implement workplace wellness programs might save when it comes to medical care costs, safety problems, and rates of absenteeism.  Even if you are not in the position to employ a comprehensive wellness plan, there are many small steps your business can take to increase the health of your workers.

1. Implement healthier eating choices. Offer your employees healthy meal and snack options that help fuel their performance while satisfying their nutritional need.  Consider replacing sodas with water, milk, or tea.  If possible, stock the break room with fruits, vegetables, and other healthy options.

2. Promote exercise. Encourage 2 minute stretch breaks every hour. Organizing regular stretch breaks provides a mental break from the work routine, which results in stress reduction.  Endorse exercising by partnering with a local gym to offer a discount for your employees. An active body is linked to an active mind, so regular exercise will increase your workers clarity and concentration.

3. Emphasize health education. Break time seminars are key opportunities for helping employees learn about healthy habits. Recruit speakers to lead session on healthy meals, stress management skills, and keeping active.  Keep sessions enjoyable but educational.

4. Be attentive of mental health. Unmanaged stress can lead to job dissatisfaction and absence from work for related health conditions. Consider offering an employee assistance program for employees who have excess stress, financial problems, or depression.  Also persuade employee to take simple steps on their own to reduce stress.

5. Make health apart of the work culture. Add healthy facts to company email and communication. Or even simpler, post healthy tips in the break room.  Building a healthy environment will result in more healthy and happy employees.

If, after trying a few ideas and trial runs, a wellness program seems right for your business, consider the Healthy Business Bloomington Initiative to help your business promote a healthier work environment.

 Please visit for more information.

Adapted from “8 ways to Promote Wellness in the Workplace” by Lauren Lastowka

On the Road to Good Health

In February, The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce, along with its Health Care Team, hosted the Healthy Business Bloomington Breakfast and Wellness Showcase. This was the third year for the event that helped to launch The Chamber’s Healthy Business Bloomington Designation program which was formulated to support the development and expansion of organizational policies conducive to healthier employee lifestyles.  At this year’s event, we were thrilled as we watch more than 125 individuals from varying sized organizations within our community discuss ways to make their businesses more healthy.

Worksite wellness programs and prevention are sound ideas whose time has definitely come. Wellness is more fun and costs far less than treating disease. Studies suggest that for every $1 invested in a worksite wellness programs, a company saves $3 to $5 in health and safety costs. Organizations that invest in wellness programs might reap the financial incentives through savings on medical care costs, disability pay, rates of absenteeism, turnover and safety problems.

But, what about a small business with 25 or less employees? Businesses of this size may be the most in need of a wellness program. Small businesses are the hardest hit by health insurance costs and often suffer more with frequent absenteeism or lack of productivity. Unlike larger businesses, small businesses owners frequently lack the resources to provide worksite wellness programs that feature such offerings as on-site fitness centers or customized on-line support – but that doesn’t mean that a wellness program can’t be implemented.

Many of our local small businesses understand the advantages of providing a wellness program and have created dynamic programs that work well within their business model.

To recognize the work and progress of our small businesses, The Chamber’s Health Care Team created a new Small Business Healthy Business Bloomington Designation application especially designed for those businesses with 25 or less employees. The new small business application was introduced at our February Healthy Business Bloomington Breakfast & Wellness Showcase and we’re excited to add more names of businesses to the growing list of those recognized with a Healthy Business Bloomington designation.

Every initiative – whether it’s a new diet or a new fitness regime – begins with a pledge to begin. To help businesses take their first steps towards a healthier workplace, The Health Care Team also created a new Worksite Wellness Pledge which includes simple steps a business pledges to implement as part of their worksite wellness program. The simple act of signing this pledge signals the beginning of the wellness process for both the organization and the employees. Signing the Worksite Wellness Pledge is a great way to jump start a health and wellness program for your employees.

The bottom line is that workplace wellness programs can and do benefit any size business — small or large. Since 82 % of the United States population is linked in some way to a worksite, and because employees spend a minimum of about 200 hours a month at work, the impact of a worksite wellness program can be far-reaching.

If you already have a worksite wellness program in place – we applaud your efforts and hope you will download a Healthy Business Bloomington Designation application. Please utilize the resources found throughout our community and at The Chamber’s website under our Healthy Business Bloomington section. If you don’t currently have a wellness program, I encourage you to take a closer look at how some simple, healthier changes can make a major difference within your organization. Please download a copy of our new Worksite Wellness Pledge and use that as your first step towards better health. Together, we will build healthier businesses and a healthier community.

Please visit: for more information.

Why I’m Going to the Realtor® Rally in Washington, DC

On Thursday, May 17, 2012 Realtors® from across the country are gathering on the steps of Capitol Hill to tell members of Congress that Home Ownership Matters – to people, to communities, and to America.

Why now? Because despite the heated rhetoric of an election year, Realtors® remain focused on homeownership, housing and real estate issues; we know that the challenges our country faces aren’t going away after November. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to pursue the American dream of homeownership, and we will fight against obstacles that make it more difficult for people to buy, own and invest in real estate.

I’ve practiced real estate here in Monroe and Owen counties for 8 years. During that time, I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of families invest in their futures through homeownership. Over the past few years, however, I’ve also seen buyers with good jobs and strong credit histories turned down for loans; hard-working families who are unable to refinance into lower monthly mortgage payments; and people lose their homes to foreclosure because their bank was too slow to process a short sale.

There are some who say we should turn our backs on homeownership – that the government should step away from insuring and purchasing mortgages, that homeowners shouldn’t be able to take advantage of certain tax benefits, and that maybe owning a home isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, after all.

There’s no doubt that homeownership isn’t for everyone. The decision to own a home is a very personal one. But there’s a reason we’re a nation of homeowners, by-and-large. Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, “A nation of homeowners is unconquerable.” That’s because homeownership fosters stronger communities, creates social stability, and contributes to a strong economy.

Yes, Realtors® sell real estate, and cynics may view our efforts as self-serving. But in doing our jobs, we help people into homes that give them shelter, a sense of community, and the opportunity to build financial security over the long term. We help businesses find homes, too; commercial real estate is just as much a part of the fabric of our local economy as are homes for families.

As we look to America’s future, we must not lose sight of the values that helped make our country strong in the first place. Realtors® want our country’s current and future leaders to understand the vital role that real estate plays in both the long- and short-term health of this nation. And that’s why I’m going to Washington.


Brian Thompson

President, Bloomington Board of Realtors®

Business Leaders Lose Six to Nine Hours to Disorganization

Express Employment Professionals’ recent hiring trends survey of more than 18,000 business leaders brought to light some interesting statistics about time management. The survey confirmed what many in business have struggled with for years; there isn’t enough time in the day to accomplish everything.

The survey found that 31 percent of leaders did not consider a lack of time in their day an issue in their roles. For the other leaders in business, the survey revealed some telling information about what causes the lost time and how it can cost companies money. More than half of those surveyed said they lose nine work hours a week due to a lack of organization and 57 percent said they lose six work hours a week because of a lack of time due to disorganization.

Disorganization not only hurts deadlines, projects, and leadership accountability, but can cost companies money in lost hours and missed business opportunities. According to the survey, disorganized employees who earn $50,000 a year can cost companies an estimated $11,000 a year in lost hours. Whether it’s office and desk clutter or a flood of unorganized emails every day, lack of time management can hurt the entire company.

But, the affects of this lost time are not only contained at the workplace. In a 2009 survey conducted by AOL, 62 percent of at-work email users check their work email over the weekend, and 50 percent check it while on vacation. This trend can lead to stress in workers’ lives which can cause more strain and distraction while they are at work. Taking work home leads to health problems as well. In a 2008 Health of Financial Advisors report, 63 percent of the respondents who said they lacked time management skills, also experienced health issues including sleep apnea and high blood pressure.

In the hiring trends survey, 55 percent of those surveyed said their company did not provide training on managing increased workloads. As a company leader, it’s important to take action by holding a class and providing resources for employees to learn from so they become more productive and happier in their careers. As new employees join the organization, provide materials on time management expectations of the job and check back with them to make sure they’re meeting those expectations.

Stress and worry do not have to be the status quo at your organization, and the cost of letting them become part of your culture is too great to let disorganization continue. At Express, we can help your company manage the work overload by meeting human resources needs through flexible staffing, evaluation hire, and a toll-free HR hotline. We can also provide knowledge-based training programs to help your employees stay engaged and learn valuable time management techniques.


For More Information:

Tim Tucker, franchise owner

Express Employment Professionals

1907 S. Walnut St.

Bloomington, IN 47403

(812) 333-6210


A Healthy Bloomington

The Greater Bloomington Chamber of Commerce  is strongly supportive of initiatives that encourage worksite wellness and opportunities for individuals to make healthier lifestyle choices. Our interest in these areas stems from the work of our Health Care Team. This active group launched the Healthy Business Bloomington (HBB) Designation Program last year. Since the launch, three events have been held, centered around worksite wellness, and twelve businesses have received our HBB designation.  The goal of the program is to celebrate those businesses that have made a commitment to address workforce health issues, to hold these businesses up as a model for others to follow and to foster dialog and idea exchanges among businesses interested in worksite wellness.  

The work of our volunteers and members led us then to participating in the local ACHIEVE initiative, an ongoing effort of 18 months. The vision of the local ACHIEVE team is to empower individuals and catalyze organizations to be a model community that values and embraces the healthy choice as the first choice through collaborative education, policy, and initiatives. The focus of these efforts is to improve communication regarding health and wellness policies across sectors, especially among leadership. The recent announcement of the YMCA’s expansion plans will help our community reach this vision by providing more of our citizens with additional options to make the healthy choice.

The YMCA’s community project also aligns with The Chamber’s involvement in worksite wellness as well as the work of ACHIEVE to build a healthier community. The project, to build a new YMCA facility on the northwest side of our community and renovate the existing building on the south side of Bloomington, is one that we should embrace. 

The YMCA enhances the community with health initiatives that directly benefit the future of our community and the business community. And the Cook Group’s Lead Gift Challenge that supports this project will yield excitement and support towards meeting the fundraising goal needed to build the new site and renovate the existing site. Once again, our friends at Cook Group exemplify community stewardship and engagement through their generosity and dedication to this project. 

A YMCA located conveniently on the northwest side, has potential to attract people who work on the west side, as well as families and individuals who live on the west and north side of the county. This will allow the Y to continue to make a positive impact on the community through its many health and wellness initiatives. Moreover, we see an opportunity for businesses engaged in worksite wellness initiatives to encourage employees to utilize the new building and look for partnerships in improving employee wellness.

We also see value in the Y’s goal to provide childcare in the new building. Access to childcare is an ongoing issue in the community and the Y’s goal to provide childcare in the northwest facility will ease the ability of more families to work in Bloomington.

We are fortunate to have access to many facilities (both indoor and outdoor) that promote physical activity and healthier lifestyle decisions. Community support for the Y’s endeavors is critical and their respective projects will facilitate additional healthy lifestyle choices by residents in the community.